Sunday, September 17, 2006

They're coming!

Two weeks until Bernie's parents arrive! We've been housecleaning and also finishing off some of the home improvement projects that have been on hiatus. I finally got my office to look more like an office rather than a storage room, then we spent Sunday cleaning. Bernie did some new planting and landscaping. Only one more weekend remains to spiff up the place.

We also spent the afternoon and evening on Saturday with Brian and Sophie playing Empire Builder. We finished before 11pm, and I won and Bernie was sneaking up on me and finished second. She's the kind of player that you have to watch, because she starts earning money without you noticing and before you know it she's won the game. We love spending time with Brian and Sophie and little Elise, and should do it more often. Sophie says she'll bring Elise over on halloween for trick-or-treating, and we'll all have a grand time.

1 comment:

Bern said...

I was telling my mom about how cute Elise was and how she was laughing at Vincent Van Goat.

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