Tuesday, October 09, 2007

It's Toothday!

Bernie had one of her wisdom teeth removed today. My mom drove her to the oral surgeon and brought her home. When I got home from work, the Novocaine was just wearing off. I can't stand to see Bernie in pain - it just tears me up inside. I've been spending the evening giving her the ice pack for 20 minutes, then taking it away for 20 minutes. I'll be happy when she goes to sleep so I know she's not hurting any more. This may actually be harder on me than on her.

1 comment:

eaf said...

Ah, the wisdom teeth! I had that done just before my birthday in 2003. I wasn't sure I would be able to eat at my own birthday gathering. Plus the antibiotics tore up my stomach (because I didn't follow directions) landing me in the hospital for several hours.

Hope Bernie's experience has been better than that!

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