Saturday, February 03, 2007


Well, we couldn't put it off any longer. The couch and chair in the living room were looking like college dorm material, so we went out and bought new furniture today to the tune of about $1600. Thank God for 2 years no interest financing. We take delivery on Tuesday.

Then some drunk guy called my cell phone this evening and shouted something incomprehensible to my voice mail. No idea what that was about.

Tomorrow is the Super Bowl. We're going to watch it (mostly for the commercials) at the 'rents in front of the 65 inch HD and eat wings and chili.

Bernie's friend Fiona will be visiting us this week, all the way from Malaysia. My friend Andy and his wife and baby will also be visiting us over next weekend, all the way from Korea. It's the week for international visitors!


Chris said...

I believe it was "In your face, sucka!"

Don't know what could have come over me.

eaf said...

I tried to stop him. I swear I did.

Jason said...

Well, enjoy your winning season. And the NIT. I'd much rather beat dook than State, and I think dook is going to pay the price for this one.

Chris said...

I'm just enjoying my victory. I had low expectations for the season so the overall outcome isn't going to phase me.

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