Monday, May 01, 2006

Transcontinental Divide

Here I am in California again. The boss called me while I was in Nebraska last week and asked me to come out to Anaheim on Sunday night and stay until Tues morning. I got most of a weekend at home, which was spent putting up our new fence in the side yard with my Dad and John, a handyman. So, I at least got a full dose of sunburn and sore muscles before I had to get on a plane.

Bernie ain't happy one bit with all the travel, and, to tell the truth, I don't blame her. I'm going to try to stay home for at least a couple of weeks this time. My wife needs me, and I need her.

On the bright side, the fence is all done and looks great.

Rant #1: Delta airlines, for the flight home, you had better make damn sure that the air conditioning works better than it did on your plane last night. Putting people in a tiny seat with no legroom for 4 1/2 hours in 80 degree heat is worse than what the government is doing to prisoners at Gitmo. And showing Hoodwinked as your movie at the same time violates the Geneva accords. You will be hearing from my lawyer.

Rant #2: My weight is getting out of control. The travel, plus the irresistible desire to relax and enjoy life whenever I get home is wearing on me. Tapering off and being sensible isn't working, so I'm tempted to do something drastic, like a liquid diet. Slim-fast shakes+ vitamins + juices may be worth a shot for a couple of weeks.


Bern said...

Well, if I had known I was going to be without a husband at home most of the time, I'd rather be back home in Malaysia, working at a job I enjoyed, and hanging out with friends :)
But I guess this was part of the compromise.

Jason said...

You mean the job (Allison)you complained to me (Allison) about on a daily basis (Allison) for the better part (Allison) of a year? :D

Bern said...

But Allison did like me tho :))

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