Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Devastating News

I had my four-month appointment with the surgeon yesterday and was immediately sucker punched by the results of the scale in his office.

20 pounds higher than my bathroom scale. My expensive, digital bathroom scale that I bought specifically to be accurate just before my surgery in December.

Today, I had an appointment with my regular doctor. Same result.

So, instead of feeling good about being 239, I'm 259 and even though in reality that's not a weight gain, it is a huge emotional hit, because it sets me back to where I thought I was a month ago.

I'm trying to figure out how I can sue the scale manufacturer for emotional distress.

Anyway, I have revised the graphs on the right of the page.


Bern said...

Which means I am also 20 lbs heavier. Darn it!

Brian A. said...

It's that darned gravity well. If Trouble starts phase shifting you might want to canvas the neighborhood for a mad scientist.

Anonymous said...

That totally sucks! Just try to think of the clothes that fitting looser, though I'm sure it's still hard.

Sophie said...

Damn.... time to throw it out of the window!

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