Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I would like to reflect on an issue that will come up for just about anyone having weight loss surgery.

Family - and what to do about their opinions and attempts to control you.

I have in front of me a printout of the pureed/blenderized diet guidelines that the doctor and nutritionist gave me. To summarize, it says:

  • You will be on pureed/blenderized foods for a month, in addition to the clear liquids you have already been taking. (and it explains why)
  • You may not have concentrated sweets or simple sugars. (and it explains why)
  • No gum (for obvious reasons, but it explains why anyway)
  • Avoid gastric irritants like chili powder and hot sauce and caffeine.
  • No carbonated beverages.
  • Don't drink within 30 minutes of a meal.
  • Portion size should be 1/4 of a cup of pureed foods, 3 times a day.
  • Increase fluids to 64 oz a day.
  • Protein goal is 70-90 grams a day.
So, my mom calls me yesterday and asks what I've had to eat. I tell her I had grits for breakfast, and had mushed up Turkey Spam into a puree with chicken broth and mayo for lunch. She went ballistic. You see, the rules given above - which couldn't be any clearer to me - were interpreted differently by my mother. She thinks it means:
  • Only eat wholesome foods
  • Don't mix ingredients
  • Nothing out of a can
  • Nothing fattening
  • You should be eating baby food
So we argue. Despite having written in black and white the absolute rules and the freedom between the lines - she wants to criticize my choices.

Folks, being fat means that you are at the mercy of every well-meaning person out there that wants to criticize you. Because, as we all know, if we had just followed their advice, we'd have never gotten fat in the first place. There's an idiot on a sports message board that I go to whose opinion is that fat people are all losers because we're incapable of following a few simple rules regarding burning more calories than we take in. Like it's that simple. Well, he thinks it is and therefore all the fat people in the world are just losers.

Anyway, one of the most important reasons for having this surgery was to get "My Diet" off the list of things that it's OK for someone else to criticize. Really, who asked for their opinions in the first place?

So get ready, anyone who wants Weight Loss Surgery in the future - these people will not give up their favorite subject easily. Critics will be critics, and after you lose your hundred-or-so pounds, they'll find something else to criticize.


Anonymous said...

I noticed that Guinness is not on the list. Should it be on the menu? 10 million Irishmen can't be wrong? :)

Seriously though I feel your pain. Wait till you have the debate about what to feed the kids. Problem is there isn't one single list of approved foodstuffs. Besides they won't eat it even if it were on the list.

Jason said...

I think Guinness falls into the 'carbonated beverages' list.

My (theoretical future) kids will be meat-itarians.

Sophie said...

I'm just gonna stay out of this one.

Hang in there though ... at least, you still have your sense of humour :)

When we manage to get the CRUD out of the house, we'll get together for game night. In the meantime, it's back to the Tylenol - Allegra - Benadryl - Sudaphed - Halls Diet for me.

Anonymous said...

After you lose the 100+ pounds or so, they'll tell you you're too skinny.

Tonya said...

I've lost 240 lbs. and my family/friends still scrutinize every morsel I put in my mouth. Get used to it! Before, it was because I was too fat. Now, it's because I'm not supposed to eat this or that or I'm not eating enough. Only you know what you are supposed to eat. Don't listen to anyway but yourself, your nutritionist, and your surgeon!

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