Friday, August 25, 2006

Sick Wife!

My poor darling is sick. I think she caught it by reading Chris's blog.

Seriously, she told me that the apple pie she made (and subsequently ate half of) had an expired crust, so maybe that's the culprit. I can't imagine how a frozen pie crust would make you sick, however. Bad butter? She's down with fever and nausea and headache.

Anyway, get well soon, honey! I'll be home from work in a few hours and make you chicken soup.

It turns out she isn't sick, just a migraine. No soup for her after all. She was well enough to beat me at Empire Builder this evening.


Bern said...

I'm ok now. And there wasn't any chicken soup as promised. I made my own instant dinner :P

Chris said...

It's going around. So if she got it by reading my blog, would that make it a computer virus?

I'm surprised you didn't include that Jason. You're losing your touch.

Jason said...

I've got you so well-trained I don't need to go to the effort to actually MAKE the pun any more.

Bernie wasn't actually sick, just a migraine. No soup unless there's an infection involved. Sorry, but those are the rules.

Bern said...

There's no such thing as a rule when it comes to being nice and looking after your own spouse

Jason said...

We all know your disdain for "rules", dear. I'm still convinced you cheated tonight.

Bern said...

You are just being a sore loser for losing the game tonight, dear.

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